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II Forum for Interdisciplinary Research in Medical Science & Technology
Register (TBA)


Dear Friends & Colleagues!

The FIRMST team expresses its deepest gratitude and congratulates all those who were involved in making our first forum which was held on the 12th and 13th of August, a great delight and success. 


It was the first step amongst many; Together, we can indeed create a long-lasting and positive impact on the medical community in the years to come. 


One of the prime objectives of FIRMST was to sow the seeds of collaborative medical research into emerging minds in medical and allied sciences by bringing together young scientists, doctors, nurses, technicians, students and experts on a common platform - We feel we are one step closer to realizing this goal with the conclusion of our first forum. 



As we mentioned before, FIRMST was never born with the idea of just being an annual forum. We promised to keep the spirit going and so we shall do! We look forward to meeting each and every one of our participants in our future events and also hope to involve more individuals in the medical field into this wonderful community, and reaching for further heights with each attempt - together, we can make it happen! Stay tuned.

FIRMST Convenors




FIRMST 2020 Convenor


Ismail JATOI

United States of America

FIRMST 2020 Convenor


Somasundaram SUBRAMANIAN

Russian Federation

FIRMST 2020 Convenor & Founder

Heartfelt Thanks! 

FIRMST-2020 was a very unique idea which was made a reality by a lot of hard work and determination. 


We convey our heartfelt gratitude to our convenors, whose immense and generous support and guidance were instrumental, and above all, inspirational to us, in making the event a reality. 


We were very honored to host a plethora of esteemed lecturers, who displayed great enthusiasm and support for the first forum, the team thanks you for your support and positive involvement. 


We thank the students who were incredibly active and interactive throughout the duration of the event, and they have been constructive and promising with their questions during the event - without you, It would have not been possible.  


Special thanks to everyone who was involved and who lived the spirit that the team tried to convey - one of community, solidarity, and the desire to achieve a common good. 


This is why the event was fruitful and successful despite the technical and organizational difficulties that were ever present - But with a team of passionate and inspired youth, as well as talented members, we were able to overcome all problems. 


Once again, the team would like to say thank you…


Cancer Survivors, Relatives & Friends



Want to Sponsor/Partner for our events ?
Please get in touch with FIRMST Secretariat []

FIRMST Secretariat

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